How to Fix a Leaky Faucet in the Kitchen - Moen particular cope

You're about to learn how to fix a very common problem, a Moen kitchen faucet that is leaking.  whether the faucet is leaking at the deal with or just not shutting off the explication is the same, replace the cartridge.  As a bonus, this also works with many bathroom faucets too.

Moen faucets use a "cartridge" instead of "old fashioned" washers.  This means that all the "working parts" are rolled into one easy cartridge.  So if the faucet won't shut off, or is leaking colse to the handle, the first thing to check is the cartridge.  That is the most  common type of Moen kitchen faucet repair.

Everything Chords

There are a couple of things you want to do when replacing a cartridge.

First, make sure the water is turned off to the faucet.  You can normally turn the water off right under the sink in the cabinet.  After you've turned the valves off just try the faucet to make sure it's off, otherwise you might find yourself in a scene from a sitcom...with water hitting the ceiling.

Then just start taking the deal with off, paying attentiveness to how everything is put together.  When you get everything removed down to the cartridge, remove the slight horseshoe shaped clip and pull the cartridge out.  You may have to use a slight force if it has any age on it.  Actually, all new cartridges come with a slight plastic tool that can help remove the old one.  Just use the tool to spin the cartridge in the brass valve body so it will be easier to pull out.

The one thing to watch out for when installing the new cartridge is to make sure you setup it with the slight notch on the end of the stem in the same direction as the old one.  When you see the cartridge this will make sense.  This will make sure that the hot and cold are not reversed.  If you aren't sure what I mean don't worry, once you get the water back on you can fix it authentically if it's reversed.

When you get the new cartridge pushed in place, make sure the slight tabs on top are lined up so the horseshoe clip will go back in place.  This is very prominent because that slight clip is all that keeps the faucet from becoming a fountain.

Now, with the cartridge and clip in place, but before you put everything else back together, turn the water back on.  Pull the brass stem in the town up to open the faucet and then twist to go from cold to hot.  Visualize which way the stem will need to turn once the deal with is installed to get hot water and make sure it's correct.  If not, turn the town stem 180 degrees and that should fix it.  Just as a reference, from town most kitchen faucets will turn 90 degrees clockwise to get hot water.

Now that you've checked out the hot and cold directions and fixed it if needed, put everything else back in the order it came off.  Make sure it all works when you're fulfilled, and, if so, give yourself a pat on the back. You now know how to fix a leaky faucet.

How to Fix a Leaky Faucet in the Kitchen - Moen particular cope

Tab Sportsbet

Tab Sportsbet is truly your one stop shop for all your gambling and betting needs. It is one of the biggest minuscule companies in Australia and was officially owned by the Australian government, but over the 1990s they were privatised.

Recent estimates total billion in wagered money every year straight through Tab Sportsbet.

Everything Chords

Main Features of Tab Sportsbet

The details below is beneficial should you be in a position where you would like to open up an inventory with a sports betting agency, but are unsure as to who. The details below are some of the key points that I think is vital when evaluating whether you would like to sign up to Tab Sportsbet.
They are a bookmaker type agency There is currently licenses in both Victoria and New South Wales - both states in Australia You can bet on sports, racing, and events such as political elections You can bet live on the phone There is a minimum bet of via the Internet There are a estimate of ways to deposit money into your inventory such as straight through reputation card, in someone at a Tab retail outlet, Cheque, Bpay, Bank transfer, Australia Post They accept currencies from the following countries; Australia, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States of America

More about Tab Sportsbet

Because the platform and the name is so widely trusted and accepted, this bookmaker has a lot of citizen wagering money. They have recently released an iPhone application straight through which punters can place their bets. I personally use this quite frequently and I beyond doubt like how easy it is to understand, and how quick it is to place bets.

Onto their website, it's quite easy and pro with all things clearly laid out so there is not too much blurring around - like there can be on some of their competitor websites. I personality like their video tutorials that walk you straight through how to place your first bets, and some more juicy stuff that you should know about their site and about betting in general.

These guys cover nearly all the major events in the world of sports, and a minuscule beyond. Because horse racing is one of Australia's biggest passions, the Tab Sportsbet put an emphasis on this type of betting.

Interesting the Tab had a massive dispute with Betfair in the mid 2000s - they were basically attempting to deny the firm from getting a license in Australia. However the Tasmanian government granted access to a license in 2005.

Tab Sportsbet Promotional Codes

There are enduringly new and spellbinding promotional codes ready from the link below. These links will take you right across to the Betwiser website. Tab Sportsbet are always trying to get new players to sign up and they beyond doubt show this by the generosity of their promotions.

If you are planning on becoming a customer, I would strongly propose only doing it when you have a promotional code so that you can maximise your value.

Tab Sportsbet

Word Tattoos - Short Quotes, Song Lyrics and Meaningful Sayings As Texts For Tattoo Designs

If you are so proud of your motto, then why not share it to the whole world. Or if you are going through a period of turn in your life and you want to constantly be reminded of that commitment, you can afford to have a reminding law installed on your skin.

Words are remarkable ways for you to express your innermost desires and dreams. And since you go out to the real world everyday, why not have that message printed on your skin in ink?

Home Lyrics

You can come up with any kind of word tattoo. The best thing about this kind of tattoo is that there is less opening of you having the same tattoo as whatever else because you can pretty much come up with your own saying. However, getting a line from your favorite movie or song works well also. Don't worry, not everybody will have the same favorite line as you.

You can even take a cue from these predominant personalities from Hollywood.

Angelina Jolie

When it comes to tattoos, no one can ever beat Angelina Jolie with more or less 12 tattoos adorning her remarkable body. One of her predominant tattoos includes that of an incantation written in Khmer on the back of her shoulder.

David Beckham

Hailed as the hottest king of the field, Beckham isn't shy about being a father. In fact, he has the names of his sons, Brooklyn and Romeo, tattooed on his back.

Britney Spears

One part when tattooing spouses' names on any part of your body is the fact that things might not work out right. Learn that part from Britney who has her ex, Kfed, tattooed on her body.

Word Tattoos - Short Quotes, Song Lyrics and Meaningful Sayings As Texts For Tattoo Designs

Cutting the Psychic energy Chords

It is becoming more and more evident that there is an invisible web of vigor tying us all together. This Web of vigor is talked about in books such as "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart, "What You Can Feel You Can Heal," by John Gray, "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield, and even movies like "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know."

We know that we are affected by unseen forces. For example, we don't see the wind or the air we breathe. We don't see viruses in the air, or bacteria on our food. Similarly we don't see the invisible thread of vigor that goes between ourselves and those we recite with on a daily basis.

Everything Chords

I began comprehension the psychic relationship between people about ten years ago although I've known about it on some level most of my life.

I was on a massage table having some vigor work done and my therapist said there were so many psychic chords attached to me that he needed to get out the lawn mower. It was a sort of joke between us. Regularly when one performs a chord cutting rehearsal he uses an imaginary sword or scissors.

Right as the vigor worker went over my psychic vigor field with the lawn mower my narcissistic boyfriend jumped up from the waiting room he was in and came running in angry and disoriented. The next day someone else emotionally vampiric ex-boyfriend contacted me by Email and so did his ex-wife, and his daughter. I was amazed at the power of this rather uncomplicated process. Those who had been disconnected felt me on some level and made taste with me in attempt to re-connect.

Earlier that same month a woman, who could see energy, saw a hose like chord going from me to my boyfriend and said that he was sucking my energy.

As I began learning narcissism and its psychic affects on the victim, I could see the power those psychic chords had on influencing our reality. I also saw the significance of detaching or severing those chords in order to be free of the lasting psychic affects of that relationship.

I performed a series of chord cutting exercises on myself to break the psychic bonds with my ex-narcissistic boyfriend. I could see how he would re-attach psychically even after six months of not finding him. This would happen at my weakest moments when I was blaming myself or feeling down about myself in some way. In a sense I would invite the relationship back because there was a part of me that wanted it.

Unfortunately the psychic relationship between myself and my ex-boyfriend was very unhealthy for me. It resulted in my feeling weak, disempowered, obsessive, sad, depressed, tired, and finding myself as a failure. Severing the psychic chords would restore my power and sense of confidence in myself.

I realized that through this psychic relationship I was taking on all he had always projected onto me. I was owning his stuff, allowing the dark, murky waters of his emotional reality to flow into my vigor field, polluting my reality.

When we severe the psychic hose that dumps the murky, toxic vigor of an unconscious partner or old partner into our vigor field, we can begin to see clear water once again. It was pretty clear that this narcissistic personel in my life needed to have someone to dump his repressed emotional toxicity onto in order to feel strong within himself. If he wasn't dumping on me he would be dumping on someone else.

Once we disconnect those psychic, emotional chords the someone who has been borrowing our vigor will feel a discrepancy and he may even know, on some level, that something has just happened and it has to do with you. Often the phone will ring, or we will get an email, or he may even show up at the door. This is a time we need to be particularly strong and keep our vigor to ourselves.

Sometimes we need to repeat the process of cutting the psychic chords several times in order to be wholly free of the vigor that is draining us. I believe that the process always works, even when we don't feel an immediate difference. The only guess it may not seem to work, for some, is that the they have become so accustomed to the murky vigor of the psychic vampire in their life that they invite the chord to reattach.

We get comfortable with what is is well-known and if we have established a pattern with a narcissistic or emotional vampire we have to authentically understand how to break that relationship and turn the pattern.

I spoke to a woman who once described the attachment like a grey cloud over her head and she was so used to this cloud that when it was gone she missed it and went seeking the cloud. It was as if having blue skies in her life was unfamiliar and somewhat uncomfortable. We get used to our dark clouds and aren't sure what to do when they are gone. It is the same guess that victims of abuse keep finding people to abuse them. It is well-known and comfortable.

So when you cut those psychic chords you have to be ready and willing to embrace a turn in your life. There will be something missing! But nature always moves in to fill a void in our lives. Be ready to accept something better. invite something great into your life. invite love, light and safe bet energy. It may take a while to get used to how this feels in your vigor field, but once you adapt to it, you will be glad you put out the invitation.

Cutting the Psychic energy Chords

How To Play What A spectacular, World On Piano

One of the most gorgeous songs to play on piano for a beginner actually is What a astonishing World by Louis Armstrong. There are many different ways to play this song and in this article I'll show you one of the simplest but actually good sounding one.

This song should be played in F major so F, G, A, Bm, C, D, E and F. This song should be played slowly and quietly. Start with C, C, F, F, C2 the lyrics with it goes I (c) see (c) trees(f) of (f) green (C2). When the lyric goes red roses to you should play D2, D2, D2, C2 and than continue with Bm, Bm, Bm, A for I watch them bloom and when you sing for me and you just play G, G, G, F. The part with I think to myself, what a astonishing world goes like F, F, F, F, F, F - F, F, E, F, G, A.

Michael Buble Lyrics Chords

The chords can be played after each part starting with your left hand on F, A, C2 (don't press it yet just place your left hand there). With your right hand start with C, F and than play F, A, C2 with your other hand, don't play it simultaneously but start with left hand when the other is over and when your left is over continue with F, C2 and with your left hand first play chord E, A, C and right after this one D, F, Bm. Continue with D2, D2, D2, C2 and then play F, A, C (F major chord again) with your left hand and G, B flat, D right after. Continue with notes that go with lyric I see them bloom. The chords after are F major and E, G and C sharp. After you play G, G, G, F, play the chord D, F, A with your left hand twice and then go to G, B flat, D. Now comes that F, F, E, F, G, A part and with your left hand play: when you press E with right hand, play C and G each half of the length of E, when you play F again play B flat and C with left hand than play G, A just add the F major chord at the end.

That is it I hope it sounds easy enough, so you will be able to play it in short time.

How To Play What A spectacular, World On Piano

Facebook App for Samsung Galaxy Tab

The free Samsung Galaxy Tab is one of the most advanced devices available. It works as a phone and a tablet. The screen size is large sufficient that you won't need another device. The free Galaxy Tab has top notch graphics and audio as well. It runs on the Android network and offers the same capability that that network has offered on other devices. People will surely want to take advantage of all the great apps available. Apps cover everything from gaming to news to productivity. There are also a estimate of public networking apps for the free Samsung Galaxy Tab. Facebook is the most beloved public networking site around. It is no surprise that they offer a great app. Here is a guide to the Facebook app on the free Galaxy Tab.

The Facebook app on the free Samsung Galaxy Tab allows users to accomplish many of the same tasks they can on a regular computer. The home screen of the Facebook app has cut off tabs for messages, notifications, and friend requests. This allows you to see if any friend sent you a message, liked your status, or commented on a picture right away. The home screen also has buttons for events, photos, profile, and news feed. It is the gateway to get to in any place on Facebook you want to go. At the bottom of the screen you will see thumbnails of recently updated photographs from friends. Swiping your finger runs straight through the slideshow so that you can stay up to date on pictures from your Facebook friends.

Everything Chords

The news feed on the Facebook app for the free Galaxy Tab is more streamlined. It will allow you to see posts from friends as well as fan pages. The links to be able to like or criticism are below the posts and easy to find. There is also a status bar at the top of the page that allows you to post updates, links, and pictures from there. The pages modernize immediately after a friend posts something so the news feed is a great way to stay up to date on things. You can also use the phone's Gps theory to note where you are. For example, if you are out a restaurant you can naturally use this highlight to let all of your Facebook friends know.

The profile page is also a great highlight on the Facebook app. You will see all of your updates and comments made by friends. You can also share pictures, links, and updates from here. You can also check out your facts and scroll straight through your photographs from here. When you upload photographs you can also pick to share them with exact groups of friends. The groups are easy to institute from the free Samsung Galaxy Tab.

Many friends use Facebook to plan events and send invitations. With this app on the free Galaxy Tab users can view the event and Rsvp right from the free Galaxy Tab. You can also see who else is attending and write comments on the wall for the event. This is very convenient to keep track of your own events as well as see what friends are planning.

Facebook App for Samsung Galaxy Tab

How to Make a expert Music Video at Home

How to originate Your Own pro Music Video from Home

Today, many who go web-surfing run into spoof music videos that get millions of views. Sadly, more than half of those citizen who got 1,000,000+ views missed an chance of earning ,000 or more from just that YouTube upload. Why is this so? I will let you know near the end of this article. Shall we get back to the topic?

Home Lyrics

For those who think it isn't inherent to make a high potential music video from home like the ones you see on television, I am here to tell you that it Is inherent to make even good videos. You may not be able to originate one as good on the first try, but again who is? It takes perfection; following these 5 steps:

Step 1: Music

Of policy a music video isn't a music video without music. Find an instrumental that you want to originate a song to and download it. A good program that I suggest for downloading instrumentals would be Frostwire. You can download it from It is completely free to download and use. Or so it was the last time I checked. Be just when downloading from Frostwire though. The first two or three files at the top are regularly tricks, but you can surely tell them apart. The false ones regularly match your search phrase word for word, letter for letter, and are lower case. Also check the file size to the right of each result. Instrumentals and songs are regularly at an midpoint file size of 1,000 Kb for each exiguous of a song. So if an instrumental you're seeing for is about 3 minutes long, the file size should be colse to 3,000 Kb. The false ones at the top are regularly at a small file size, colse to 10-30 kb.

I used to use Frostwire until I began creating my own music with music production software. If you want to make money from YouTube, I suggest you make your own instrumentals like I do. Whatever can learn to make a straightforward beat. Some good music production software I suggest to use for the Pc would be Fruity Loops Studio. The newest version is Fl Studio 9, but Fl Studio 5, 6, 7, and 8 are just as good. If you want to pay for it, you can buy it at your local computer store or online at, but if you want it for free, I suggest you use Frostwire, since it can also download programs for free too. For the Mac users, your computer should already come with a music production software called GarageBand. In my opinion, GarageBand's instruments sound more pro than Fruity Loops. Both programs have user manuals ready in the help menu and Garageband has a beginner tutorial. For any other tutorials, I suggest that you search YouTube for Fruity Loops Beginner Tutorials or Garageband beginner tutorials.

Other Pc Music production softwares include Reason, Sonar, and Nuendo. Another Mac music production software is Logic Pro. The music manufactures itself specializes generally with a software called Protools. It's compatible with both Pc and Mac, but is regularly the software beloved for studio recording. If you decree to use Protools at all, I suggest that you buy it rather than downloading it for many reasons. Trust me on this one.

Step 2: Lyrics

Of course, music videos don't always have lyrics, but if you do decree to, make sure you write lyrics to the instrumental and keep them for the studio recording, which we will get to later. (Lyrical tip: Keep your lyrics fairly clean and it may be more marketable! Make it hilarious or comical, and it may get more plays! Ex. search "White and Nerdy" on YouTube)

Step 3: Home Studio (Session) Recording

The best software for studio session recording starters is Cool Edit Pro. Cool Edit Pro is only Pc compatible though. I learned it on my own straight through experimentation, but for tutorials, I'm sure you can find them on YouTube. There is also a user by hand in the help menu. You can also download Cool Edit Pro for free using Frostwire. For the Mac users, once again, congratulations! You can report yourself using Garageband! To do so after you have fulfilled, creating your instrumental on Garageband, at the top click Track> New Track> Real Instrument> Create. You will observation that on the left, a track for recording appears that is titled "No Effects". If you have a microphone plugged in, test it out by speaking into it. The green bar next to "No Effects" should rise every time you speak. If not, check your system Preferences for Sound and switch to Built-In Mic/Internal Microphone. Most Mac laptops have a built-in microphone. Most of them are found on the left speaker at the lowest right side, but only on laptops. For Pc laptops, your microphone may be found in the top of the monitor in the middle, left, or right corner.

For more industrialized users, session recordings can be done with Protools. You can buy microphones, but the cheap ones are regularly not good recording microphones at all. If you have a built-in microphone, you're in luck; because believe it or not, it is good than most microphones under . Just make sure you adjust the volumes of each isolate recording you do accordingly, regardless of which mic you use. You can make a bad mic sound much good than it does by altering the volumes.

P.S Tip: How to Autotune

Unfortunately, I only know how to do Autotune with the Fruity Loops users and the Garageband users. For the Fl users, you have to download a plug-in called Antares and drag it into Fruity Loops. As for the Mac and Garageband users..... You guys are very lucky. GarageBand comes with a built-in Autotuning system. To use it, at the top click Track> New Track> Real Instrument> Create. If your Audio Region at the lowest is not visible, at the top, click Control> Show Editor, or just press Apple+E. Turn the "Enhance Tuning" in your Audio Region all the way up. Then look just below that switch, and check in the box "Limit to Key".

Step 4: Recording the video

To report the video, you're going to need a decent potential camera. But just because you have a decent potential camera alone doesn't mean that the video is going to be great. It's all about how you put it together. As far as potential goes, I suggest the Jazz Elite Hd portable Camera for starters. It's a 0 high definition camera, but you can get it for only 0 at I haven't found a economy high definition video camera online yet, but if I do, I will let you know. Also, seeing into getting a tripod would help for stabilization. You can find those at Wal-mart for pretty low prices.

Also, if you're trying to make money on YouTube, make sure to keep other company products' logos and titles out of the video as much as possible. YouTube can forestall money manufacture from approximately any logo being shown publicly in your video. This also includes logos on shirts, so just make sure that Whatever clothing you choose to wear for the video, that the emblems or logos of your shirt's producers are not visible.

Step 5: Putting the video together

Hook up your camera to the computer and transport all of your video clips in a folder. For Pc video production beginners, I suggest using Windows Movie Maker. It comes with every Windows computer. If you can't find it, just click Start (or the windows icon for Vista users) at the lowest left side of the screen. Go to Programs> Accesssories> Windows Movie Maker, or Programs> Accessories> Entertainment> Windows Movie Maker. If you can't find it in whether of those places, go to My Computer, open up the Local Drive (usually C:), and go to the program Files folder. Look for a folder called Windows Movie Maker and look for the startup icon. For Mac users, there is iMovie. The video clips can be dragged or imported into both of these programs to use. If your Pc or Mac came with the Adobe Collection, you may also use Adobe Premiere Pro, which is compatible with both computers. Adobe After Effects is a more industrialized software to use for extra effects, but you can surely learn it straight through 10 short tutorials at A much more industrialized video editor is Final Cut Pro for the Mac users, used by real manufactures movie makers.

There are video tutorials for all of these softwares on YouTube, but, in my opinion, Windows Movie Maker is ridiculously easy to use; but Adobe Premiere has more tools and effects that you can do to your video. Adobe Premiere also has green screen keying, which Movie Maker does not have. If you are seeing to make music video production or music production a time to come career, I suggest you look into a college called Full Sail University. It is known as the "Harvard of Entertainment and Media Schools" and has one of the three best film programs in the world and the top 5 Recording Arts programs in the country. It is a high-paced school, and you can receive your Bachelor's in whether program in 20 months. To look supplementary into this school, visit the Full Sail website.

Make sure you render your video in a high potential setting too. "Rendering" just means saving the video in video format. The higher the quality, the longer it may take to quit saving the video, but it may be worth it. If you have the Jazz Elite Hd portable Camera, you may not have to worry about potential as much.

Extra Step: Earn Money straight through YouTube

To earn money, plainly reach over 200,000 views with your video. YouTube will send you instructions on how to set it up and will spin your video to make sure that there are no copyright infringements.

But as for music videos in general, I've seen the best and I've seen the worst. The potential of the final stock all comes down to how you use these tools to the best of your creative ability. Show laziness in production, and lazy is how the final stock will appear to be. Happy music making!

How to Make a expert Music Video at Home

Guitar Songs For Beginners - popular Songs With 3 Chords Or Less

Some of the best songs in the world have been written with just three chords. In this report I'll give you a quick top 5 featuring recent hits and some must-have classics, and the chords you'll need to play them.

1. Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars

Everything Chords

Bruno's career is skyrocketing right now and lots of my own students have been asking to learn this one. The whole song consists of three chords: F D5 and Bb.

Here's your chords

F D5 Bb







Each chord is played for one measure. It's a piano based song, but if you listen you'll be able to come up with a strum pattern to match the groove.

2. Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd

This is a superior that all the time seems to end up in a jam session. Your three chords here are D C and G.

Here's your chords








The D and C are played for two beats, the G for four: | D / C /| G / / / |

3. Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival

A great easy superior using these three chords: D A G

Here's your chords








For the verse part you'll play | D / A G | D / / / |

For the chorus you'll play |G / / /| D / / / | A / G / | D / / / |

4. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5

This is from their first album, Songs About Jane and includes these three chords: Am G and C

Here's your chords

Am G C







The verse alternates the Am and G, one portion each.

The chorus goes C G Am G, also one portion each.

5. Ring Of Fire by Johnny Cash

This is a great song and these same chords with very few changes can be used to play a lot of other songs as well. Your chords are G C D

Here's your chords








The verse goes like this | G / / C | G / / / |

And your chorus | D / / / | C / G / |

As with all of these, you'll want to listen to song to work on the strumming rhythms. Try playing along with the song until you latch onto the groove.

One bonus song (that's well a zillion songs) is a 12 bar blues. Thousands of songs have been written with this exact progression. It's the I Iv and V chords in anything key you choose. Let's go to the key of E - Your chords will be E A B7

Here's your chords

E A B7







And here's how the progression goes:

| E | / | / | / |

| A | / | E | / |

| B7 | A | E | / |

If you're going colse to for someone else chorus you can substitute someone else B7 in the last portion instead of the E.

A consolidate of parting notes. Listen a lot. To all you can get your hands on. And play along. That is one of the best ways to construct good rhythm chops. The second this is, don't be afraid of that fourth chord. Once you've played with these, go hunting after 4 and 5 chord songs. Places like greatest Guitar are good resources to start with.


Guitar Songs For Beginners - popular Songs With 3 Chords Or Less

Piano tabs

Piano Tabs vs. Guitar Tabs

Piano Tabs are basically the same as guitar tabs. Why is that fact important to you? simply because most chords/lyrics which are in tab form on the internet are going to be listed as "Guitar Tabs" and not necessarily "Piano Tabs". The chords to a song, the lyrics to a song are the same regardless if a guitarist or a pianist is playing it. So if you're looking for the "tabs" for a song on the internet, you may end up having to look at a guitar tab site rather than a piano tab site. But no big deal here!

Everything Chords

One big inequity with guitar tabs, which of procedure is short for "guitar tablature", is that the guitar diagrams are roughly always shown and these indicate what fret, string, etc. To play. Just ignore that part. You're only looking to get the lyrics and chords and disregard all else relating to guitar playing. A trainee of mine once pleaded with me to elaborate how to directly translate the guitar notation into piano. Here's the deal though, pianists Do Not waste time doing that exercise. Maybe it'll be fun for you but roughly speaking, it's a waste of time. Guitarists don't typically take a fully written piano arrangement and citation out each note to directly use that to achieve on guitar. So conversely, why whould you want to do this for piano? Just chords and lyrics my friends, chords and lyrics!!

By the way, many pianists never use guitar tab books or guitar tab sheets to work up songs. I easily do! They argue that the melody line is not included there but it is always found in "lead sheets". What I do for a song I'm familiar with, is I have already memorized the melody line, (a relatively simple task) so all I'm missing is the chords and lyrics. Case in point, recently, I bought a marvelous Billy Joel Guitar Tab book. I would assume though that very few keyboard players would reconsider picking up such a book. My concept though was that the fact that I know these songs so well, just having the chords in front of me would enable me to play the song. Additionally, I could now incorporate on working on my singing without being bogged down on the note for note piano arrangement. When you're on stage, chances are you have memorized all already, but if you have the guitar/piano tabs in front of you as a "cheat sheet", it enables you to still achieve the song with minimal diversion to "looking at the music".

But the most important aspect of this type of "tab" playing is that in my experience, with pop/rock band performance, the best, most productive information you can have to play any song and learn it swiftly are guitar tabs!! That is the hidden Weapon all these carport bands use to work up songs and they're able to do a great job playing these songs, regardless of how much original harmonic system they have been exposed to!

Lesson learned? Go Google or quest out your beloved songs and put "tab" after the song, and you're 80% on the way to perfecting that song in its entirety!

There are many sites on the web where you can find Piano Tabs. If you are able to find a good piano tab site or at least exact tabs for a song you're searching for, you are well on your way to playing that song. The major obstacles to creating that song from tabs are


1. Sites infected with Viruses - Unfortunately, this is a very tasteless qoute at tab sites. More often than you'd like, your computer can be infected so make sure your viral safety programs are up and running. If you do not have safety for virus infection, you can get free trail downloads at

2. Wrong chords and/or lyrics -
Many of the tabs listed on the web for your beloved songs have been put together by well intentioned amateurs who whether don't duplicate check that all the chords are exact or maybe are unable to distinguish in the middle of a exact chord and an incorrect one.

On a scale of 1-10, there are varying degrees of "wrongness" for any chord. Example, if the exact chord should be G7 and instead the chord is listed simply as G, well that's a minor offense and you could say it's a "9" in terms of accuracy. A tasteless mistake is listing the relative minor for a major chord or visa versa. For this error, we might reconsider it a 6 or 7 in terms of accuracy. In short, for well regarded substitutions for chords, one can live with that. However, with free piano tabs, you can often see wrong chords listed which are at the opposite end of the spectrum for what the chord should in fact be. The chord might be a B flat minor and the tab says that it's a G sharp major, not even close and wholly out there in "left field"! We'd give that infraction a "1" on a scale of 10. Then again, you will assuredly see chords that are that far off. Your final judge should be your "ear", engage your inherent musicality- if it sounds wrong or easily bad to you, there's a good occasion that it is in fact wrong.


For lyrics, again, the same requisite applies here - you will see major infractions and minor ones. Just take the posture that the lyrics are "guilty" until proven innocent, i.e., are not 100% exact until you proof them against whether an artist songbook or against a recording.

With No Written Reference for the Lyric: If a song has never been published or maybe is out of print and one simply can not find a written reference to check the song tabs against, then your guess is as good as anyone's really. In this case, you basically have to check it and proof it against the recording to find out how exact it is.

Missing Lyrics and/or Chords

Another tasteless phenomenon with free piano tabs or free tabs is that whole whole portions or sections of a song may be eliminated. It can be frustrating when this occurs so just check against the artist songbook if you have one or if one is available or check against other tab sites for that song. Speaking of which, "comparison shopping" can be a good idea with free tab sites, taking a consensus of opinion, using your own musicality as the ultimate judge again and determining which portions of a tab for any song is exact or attractive to you and which ones are not.

Piano tabs

How to Check My Outlook Express Email

If you are a new user who has recently set up an email profile in Microsoft Outlook Express, you assuredly want to know the ways of checking your emails. Here goes an Outlook Express support guide for you. The allembracing set of instructions will tell you different ways along with enabling Remote Desktop association for accessing emails from a remote computer.


Everything Chords

To check your Outlook Express email what you need to do is just inaugurate Outlook Express and hit the Send/Receive button. As soon as you will be doing that all your emails will start downloading to your Inbox. If you don't see a Send/Receive button, click on the Tools tab and then click to pick the Send and Receive option from the drop-down menu.

If you don't want to go through the hassles of clicking the Send/Receive button or the option every time you open Outlook Express, there is another simple way of downloading your emails automatically to your Inbox.

To do so, click on the Tools tab and click to choose Options from the drop-down menu. When the Options dialog box opens, click on the general tab (if it is not highlighted by default) and click to check the box beside Check for new messages every - minute(s). Click on the drop-down arrow next to this option to adjust the time. If you want to be notified with a sound when a new message arrives to your Inbox, check the box beside Play sound when new messages arrive. If you want to supplementary changes, do so. Or else, press Apply and then the Ok button to close the Options dialog box.

If you are frequently away from your computer and you want to check your emails from the place you are at, you can do so by naturally configuring some settings on your Outlook Express. For that, you need to turn on the Remote Desktop feature in your Windows Xp computer. To enable this feature, you must be logged on as an administrator to your computer. Without admin rights, you will not be able to turn on this feature.

For Windows Xp, click on the Start menu, right click on My Computer and pick Properties. When in the Properties window, click the Remote tab and click to pick the box beside Allow users to join together remotely to this computer.

Before you proceed, write down your computer's name displayed under the Full Computer Name heading. Make sure that you spell it correctly. A spelling mistake can preclude you from connecting to your own computer from another computer (the remote one). Make note of the Ip address as well. When done, hit the Apply button and then Ok to exit the Properties dialog box.

If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, click on the Start menu, right click on Computer, and choose Properties. Click the Remote settings link in the left hand pane. In the system Properties window, click the Remote tab. Under the Remote Desktop heading, click the button beside Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure). feature the Computer Name tab and note down your computer's name. Thereafter, click Apply and then Ok to exit the window.

If you don't know the Ip address of your computer, check supplementary Tips (given at the end of the article). When done, leave the computer turned on. Do not turn off your computer as doing so will disable the remote computer from connecting to it. When you are at another place from where you want to join together to your home computer for Outlook Express emails, do this exercise. Click the Start menu and go to All Programs> Accessories> Communications> Remote Desktop Connection. This will remain the same for Windows 7 and Vista too.

When in the Remote Desktop association window, type the full name of your computer in the box next to Computer and press the join together button. If you see an option button, you can adjust the settings for your home computer, association bandwidth, or programs etc. If you don't want to do this, naturally hit join together and you are done. When prompted, enter the log-in details like password to join together to your home computer and it will start working in a virtual environment. Entrance Outlook Express and check your emails.

Additional Tips:

To know the Ip address of your computer, open Command Prompt from the Start menu> All Programs> Accessories. When the Command Prompt window comes up, type 'ipconfig' (without quotes) and hit Enter. You will see the details like 'Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection', Ip Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway etc. Note down the numbers in the format next to Ip Address.

How to Check My Outlook Express Email

Glass business Terms - everything You've all the time Wanted to Know About Glass But Were Afraid to Ask

What is frit? Frit is an business term for the paint that is applied around the perimeter of the automotive glass parts. One of the key ingredients in frit is a glass ceramic particle that fuses to the glass outside making it a very durable and scratch unyielding surface.

Why is frit (paint) on the glass? Frit serves two roles on the glass. First, it is a cosmetic highlight that is used to hide interior trim and pinchweld details. Early model vehicles used wide moldings to obscure what would otherwise be exposed areas. As moldings became smaller to the point of nonexistence on several current models, the frit had a greater role in outside unfinished areas of the vehicle. Secondly, the frit inhibits Uv degradation of urethane adhesives. While the frit will not wholly block the Uv rays from passing straight through the glass, it does significantly reduce Uv light transmission. Most urethanes are not Uv stable. If urethane is left exposed to sunlight for continued periods of time, it will yellow and turn chalky. Nearnessy of the frit will increase the lifetime of the urethane adhesive system.

Everything Chords

How many types of frit are there? There are hundreds of types of frits advanced for automotive glass applications. The most base automotive glass frits we use are black, gray and white although other colors are available. Frit pastes are advanced to work in mixture with the processing requirements needed for a definite part. Each paste is advanced for the definite furnace time and temperature parameters used to produce parts at a manufacturing location. It is not uncommon for a glass manufacturing installation to work with a dozen dissimilar frit pastes.

How is frit applied to the glass? Frit is applied to the glass utilizing a silk screen method. It is very similar to the method used to silk screen T-shirts. An image of the frit produce is advanced for the glass in the bent or curved shape. Then the image is unwrapped and flattened. A silk screen is made to allow the frit to pass straight through openings in the screen. The openings correspond to the final produce image. The frit is a thick paste that is put onto the screen. Squeegees are used to push the frit paste straight through the screen openings and onto the glass. Frit is applied to the glass while it is in the flat position before it is processed straight through the furnace. The furnace helps to cure the frit and to fuse it to the glass surface. Every part with each dissimilar produce has a unique silk screen. Silk screens are constantly being maintained throughout the life of a part. Because of the fragile nature of the screens, they will wear out and commonly need to be remade throughout the lifetime of a part in production.

What is Batch glass? Batch is a glass reference term that identifies a part of the manufacturing process. The raw components of glass are properly proportioned and mixed in batches for delivery to the furnace. Even though glass is made in a continual process that runs 24 hours a day, every day of the year, the raw materials are added as needed in batches. To state that a glass is batch glass, it implies that there is not any post manufacturing materials, i.e. A film or coating, applied to the glass. Batch glass gets all its characteristics from the raw materials that are used to make the glass. In the case of privacy or solar batch glass, the dark colorants and Uv inhibitors are mixed in with the original ingredients in the batch to make the glass.

What is Float glass? Float glass refers to the glass manufacturing process. The raw components of glass are melted in a furnace between a temperature range of 240Of to 2850 F. A continual process is established as the molten glass is moved from the furnace to the tin bath where it is supported on molten tin until the glass cools from the slurry state to a temperature where the glass becomes solid. The float process was advanced by Pilkington while 1950's and is now determined the original state of the art process for manufacturing automotive and architectural glass.

What is the tin side and what is the air side of glass? As mentioned earlier, the float glass process involves floating molten glass on.molten tin. The molten tin is flat sufficient to give glass its flat surfaces. The tin and glass are like oil and water, they don't mix. However, the side of glass that is in caress with tin while the float process does pick up a itsybitsy layer of tin. This is determined the tin side of float glass. The top side of glass is called the air or atmosphere side. To detect the tin side of glass, hold an Uv light at an angle to the glass surface. The tin side will glow and the air side will not.

What is Soft-Ray and what is Solar-Ray'? Soft-Ray and Solar-Ray are Gm Trademarks for the glass used in their vehicles. It identifies the Type of glass used for construction and can appear on whether laminated or tempered glass. Lof uses E-Z-Eye glass for the yield of Soft-Ray parts and Ezkool solar operate glass for Solar-Ray parts. Ppg uses Solex and Solar Green respectively. Deep Tint Solar-Ray is an additional one Gm trademark that appears on dark colored solar operate parts.

What is a monogram? A monogram is often referred to as the bug or trademark. Every automotive piece of glass is required by law to have an identifying mark on the glass that will be visible once that glass is in the correctly installed position in the vehicle. These marks are normally painted on the glass, but they can also be sand blasted or acid etched into the surface.

What is in a monogram? For automotive applications, there are definite governmental items that must be in the monogram including a group of communication (Dot) number, the model (M) estimate and the glass type (As-1, As-2, As-3 etc.) Monograms can also include data such as the brand name of the glass, the firm name that made the glass, the firm logo, the country of origin and a date code identifying when the glass was manufactured.

Is there anyway to determine what a part is by the monogram on the glass? Unfortunately, the majority of monograms do not have any data in it to help determine what an unmarked part is. However, we are beginning to see more parts marked with the Nags estimate in the Monogram. As more of this is done, it will be easier to correctly recognize unknown parts.

2-What is the disagreement between As-1, As-2 and As-3 glasses codes? For automotive applications, the three most base types of glass are As-1, As-2, and As-3. All windshields must be marked with the As-1 code which is on laminated glass having light transmission greater than 70%. All tempered glass that has light transmission above 70% is marked with an As-2 code. All glass, laminated or tempered, that has less then 70% light transmission will have an As-3 Code.

What is a Dot code? The Dot estimate identifies the glass manufacturer. The acronym Dot stands for group of Transportation. Each glazing produce must apply for a Dot estimate in order to sell glazings for vehicles in the United States of America. Each Dot estimate is assigned by the government and is unique for every manufacturer. Every piece of glass that is made must include that Dot code if it is to be sold in the automotive market.

What is an M number? The M estimate is a model estimate that is assigned by all glass manufacturing companies. Each firm establishes their own M estimate law that is unique to that organization. The M estimate identifies the definite glass construction. It can recognize the glass details used to produce a part such as glass color and thickness. One Model estimate might apply to 50 dissimilar part numbers. Each Model estimate is tested every year for compliancy with the governmental regulations. Most of the time, a part estimate cannot be determined by the M number.

How can I determine whether the glass in a car is original or a replacement? If you don't know the history of the car, one-way to recognize a piece of glass is to check the monogram on the glass. If you, knew the manufacturer of the original glass, check the Dot (Department of Transportation) estimate on the glass in the car. If the Dot estimate doesn't belong to the Oe glass supplier, then the part was a replacement. If the estimate does match, then check the date code on the glass. Most manufacturers mark the monogram with a means of identifying the month and year of glass production, sometimes even the date and shift! Since each firm does it differently, you'll have to caress the standard manufacturer for their date code conventions, which can include combinations of letters, numbers or even dots over varied letters. By comparing the date of the glass with the date of the car assembly, you can determine if they are the same vintage. If the glass date intimately matches the vehicle assembly date, chances are the glass is original.

Which side of the vehicle is the right hand side? The Right hand side of the vehicle is the Passenger'S side of the vehicle. The Driver'S side of the vehicle would be the Left-hand side. Rule of thumb, right and left sides are determined by picturing yourself sifting in the car.

When should a non-conductive adhesive be used? If the adhesive will caress the antenna or defroster lines when the part is installed, use a non-conductive adhesive. Non-conductive adhesives preclude interference with antenna systems and heated defroster systems that are contained in the glass. Many new glass parts have the antenna, defroster connections or buss bars around the edge of the glass in the same area that the adhesive is applied to setup a glass part. Using a conductive adhesive will sway the carrying out of the electrical system. several adhesive manufacturers offer a non-conductive product for these glass applications. Be sure to effect the manufacturers definite instructions for the adhesive law you use.

How do installation methods cause stress cracks? installation related cracks normally effect from a short cut out method, where all of the old urethane bed is not removed prior to installation. If the shape and form of the new glass is not selfsame to the old urethane bed, the glass could have spots of interference on the adhesive that lead to breaking. installation related stress could also be formed by using adhesives that are too rigid and don't offer the compression and flexibility required of the adhesive system. Usually, installation related stress cracks would produce over time after the adhesive has been allowed to fully cure.

What is tempered glass? Tempered glass is a singular piece of glass that is strengthened straight through a rapid cooling process. This cooling process tempers the glass by blasting both the top and bottom surfaces with air. The outside surfaces of the glass cool faster than the core of the glass. This activity sets up a balance of strains between the surfaces and the core which adds critical power to the glass. Tempered glass is difficult to break, but if broken it breaks into small granular pieces.

How are tempered parts made? Glass of the specified thickness is cut to the desired size. Any artwork or paint produce is applied to the glass while it is in the flat position. This includes any heated grid lines or antenna lines required on the final part. The glass is loaded into a furnace and is heated to temperatures of 12,000 F. There are complicated processes that could be used to bend the glass as it exits the furnace including roll.

How much force is required to break a tempered backlite? While the power of tempered glass can seem very high, it is leading to recognize that the manner in which tempered glass is broken will sway the strength. Tempered glass is highly difficult to break with dull, blunt objects. Tempered glass can have a rupture power of up to 24,000 pounds per square inch. Recall that tempered glass is produced by rapid cooling of the outside glass surfaces which sets up a stress / strain balance.

Why do the heated grid lines on heated backlites sometimes have a redbrown color and other times have a yellow color? The color of the grid lines is predominately determined by the outside of glass that they are printed on. The lines will have a dark appearance when printed on the tin side of glass. The lines will have a brighter yellow or amber color when printed on the air side of glass. Other colors, such as white or light gray, may indicate a inherent manufacturing question with the heated grid lines such as an under fired condition or too much silver. These can effect in a heated backlite that does not function correctly.

Is it a defect to see discolored spot patterns on tempered glass? No, the discolored spot patterns on a piece of glass are beyond doubt a phenomenon of the tempering process. while tempering, air is forced onto the glass straight through hundreds of nozzles. The spots are areas where the cool air contacts the glass. The temper spot pattern can indicate how well a piece of glass is tempered. The size and consistency of the discolored areas will vary with the exact process used, but they are present on all tempered parts. The potential to see these patterns is dependent on the angle ' of installation and the lighting conditions. For example, it is easier to see the patterns on a sloping piece of glass at dusk than it is to see them on a vertical piece in enthralling sunlight.

What is an Innershield? The innershield is a layer of plastic on the innermost piece of glass which was most commonly used on the windshield. The innershield prevented lacerations on an occupant's head and face if they came in caress with the windshield in the event of an accident. The innershield was a popular choice on deluxe vehicles about ten years ago.

How is a shadeband put into a windshield? The shadeband is pre-tinted onto the plastic that is located between the glass plies. The plastic comes in rolls and one end of the roll has the shade color. while processing, it may be required to warp the plastic to curve the shadeband so it will match the curve of the top of, the windshield. After warping, the plastic is cut to size and it is ready to use.

What is delamination? Delamination is the disjunction of the glass plies and plastic layer in a laminated product such as a windshield. This is also known as an unbonded area (Uba) or an oil blow. Old autoclaving process used hot petroleum to laminate windshields and the oil could seep into the edges causing the windshield to delaminate.

What is bullet proof glass and how is it dissimilar from bullet unyielding glass? Bullet proof glass is glass that will stop a bullet. Any bullet. To make a glass bullet proof, every type of bullet from every type of gun must be taken into consideration while the produce of the glass. Bullet proof glass is beyond doubt a composite of glass and plastic layers laminated together to perform a strong composite that will stop a bullet. Bullet proof glass will be three or more inches thick. Bullet unyielding glass is designed for applications with a resistance to a range of definite bullet calibers. Bullet resistance glass can be obtained in a 3/4 inch thick composite of glass and plastics laminated together. On vehicle applications, the environmental end use is determined for the glass design. If a vehicle is outfitted with bullet proof or bullet unyielding glazing, all the interior trim must also be reworked to accommodate the thicker glass.

What are stress cracks? Stress cracks are breaks from the edges of laminated glass, such as a windshield, that happen without an impact point or noticeable damaged area. While this phenomenon can occur with seemingly no apparent cause, there are however, two major factors that have a role in creating stress cracks. The stress crack can be caused by a manufacturing defect within the glass or it can be attributed to the installation methods.

How do glass defects cause stress cracks? Stress cracks can occur if the two plies of glass used to make the laminated part are not wholly homogenous with each other. Stress cracks can be a condition of tension or compression that exist within the glass. Stress can also be caused by incomplete annealing or temperature disagreement between the plies. Manufacturing processes include complicated potential checkpoints for every personel part while yield to recognize and eliminate defective parts. Even so, it can be difficult to predict a stress crack due to manufacturing conditions.

I have often heard of a windshield outside referred to as the estimate 1, 2, 3 or 4 surface. What do these numbers mean? The windshield outside estimate refers to the glass outside of the personel glass plies in the laminated composite. A basic windshield construction is composed of two pieces of glass with a plastic layer in between. The surfaces are counted from outside the vehicle. Therefore, outside estimate 1 is the outside outside of the outside glass piece that would be exposed once installed in the vehicle. outside estimate 4 is the innermost outside which would be on the interior of the vehicle once installed. outside estimate 4 is the outside that is prepped with primers, cleaners and or activators required for installation. outside # 2 and 3 are interior surfaces that are in caress with the plastic.

What is laminated glass? Laminated glass is constructed of two pieces of glass with a piece of plastic in between the glass plies. One type of plastic innerlayer used is Pvb or polyvinyl butyral. Laminated glass is required to make windshields in the Us.

How are windshields made? Two isolate pieces of glass are cut to size. While the glass is flat it is printed with the artwork produce (frit) that's required. The glass is put straight through a furnace to soften the glass and fire the frit to the glass surface. Once the glass reaches the right temperature, it is molded into shape and then cooled. After shaping, the glass/ plastic/ glass sandwich is put in a clean room and then put into an autoclave. An autoclave is like a giant pressure cooker. The high pressure squeezes the glass and plastic together. The higher temperature softens the plastic, which bonds the glass and plastic layers together. Once the glass exits the autoclave, any excess plastic is trimmed and the mirror mount is applied to the glass. The glass is inspected and cleaned several times throughout the entire process to make sure it has been manufactured to the top potential standards. After a final inspection, the concluded part is now ready to ship.

What is the Breakaway Bracket? several new Gm and Ford windshields have a Breakaway Bracket. This refers To the mirror button on the windshield. This style mirror button allows the rearviewmirror to snap off when the passenger air bag is deployed. If the rear view mirror did not snap off, there is a possibility that the mirror could puncture the air bag rendering it ineffective. The accessory tool used to take off these snap off rearview mirrors is the Mb-4. Tip: Put Breakaway rearview mirrors back on the glass before installing the windshield. This will preclude enthralling a newly installed windshield out of place with the force required to snap the mirror on the glass.

How is a windshield glass molded into shape? There are two base practices for shaping a windshield, gravity bending and press bending. Gravity bending has been used longer than press bending. For gravity bending, two pieces flat glass ride straight through the furnace on a mold contoured like the concluded part. As the glass softens, the force of gravity pulls the glass into shape. This pair of gravity bent glass is then kept together throughout the rest of the windshield process. In a press bending operation, the singular lites of glass go straight through a furnace on a flat outside of high temperature unyielding rollers. As the glass exits the furnace it is swiftly pressed into shape between a male and female mold contoured like the concluded product. The glass is then cooled and moved to the next process.

How can I determine if a diversity or non-diversity antenna backlite is needed? The diversity antenna will use a mixture of antennas in order to perform efficiently. Most diversity-antennas are offered with vehicle upgrade packages. A standard car model may only have the mast antenna, whereas the deluxe luxury package may merge a diversity antenna in the backlite with the mast antenna. How to determine the need for a diversity antenna will differ depending on the vehicle. The current Toyota Camry has extra speakers (6 total) on the vehicle that uses a diversity antenna and only 4 speakers on the vehicle that uses the non-diversity antenna.

Can an antenna or heated backlite clip be reattached to the glass if it has fallen off? Clips, or tabs, can be reattached to the glass. In order to determine if the association is repairable, the outside of the glass must be evaluated. If there are any chunks of glass (called spalls) missing from the surface, the repair should not be made and the glass should be replaced. Spalls will weaken the glass and could eventually effect in glass breakage. Next, take the adhesive to be used to reattach the clips. There are a few associates that produce a conductive adhesive law that can be used to reattach the tabs. The adhesive must be conductive so it will allow the electrical current pass between the lines on the glass and the vehicle. effect the manufacture's directions for the repair. Regular super glue adhesives will not work because they are non-conductive. Hint: Be sure to clean both the glass outside and the clip outside of old debris. Also, let the repaired part sit for the recommended cure time so the adhesive bond is fully developed.

Will a broken heated grid line on a backlite sway the carrying out of the antenna? Many new radio and cellular phone antenna designs are incorporated into the heated grid produce in the backlite. If a heated grid line is broken it will sway the carrying out of the antenna. The line break will become more noticeable with the general public as diversity antennas gain popularity and reduce the need for original mast antennas. There are aftermarket grid line repair systems ready which can restore both the heating and the antenna characteristics of the grid line.

What is a Rain Sensor windshield? several vehicle manufacturers, including Cadillac, Mercedes Benz and Bmw, are now contribution Rain Sensor windshields. The rain sensor is beyond doubt a small electronic expedient mounted to the inside outside of the windshield. The expedient has a lens that will detect the Nearnessy of moisture on the outside outside of glass. When moisture is present, a signal is sent to the wiper operate that automatically activates the windshield wipers. This a great security choice for those misty periods when a driver is passing trucks and road spray hits the windshield. The windshield wipers will get underway without the need for the driver to take off his hands from the wheel or his eyes from the road.

Does the rain sensor module come on the change windshield? No. At this time, none of the rain sensor designs need the sensor to be applied by the manufacturer on the change windshields. The electronic sensor that is on the existing windshield in the car must be removed and re-mounted onto the change windshield.

How is the rain sensor attached to the change windshield? There are special re-attachment kits for the change industry, ready straight through your local Car dealer, which can be used to re-attach the electronic rain sensor to the new windshield. The Cadillac kit consists of tape, cleaners and primers for replacing the Cadillac module. The Mercedes / Bmw kit contains the tape and a new lens. Instructions for application are included in all the kits.

Is it general for Hud display to appear faded in enthralling light conditions? enthralling sunlight or high glare conditions can effect in a dimmer display of the Head's Up display. It is general for a Hud to appear brighter at night in darker conditions that while the day under full sun. It is not general for the Hud to wholly disappear. If the display is fading when the car changes momentum, such as when turning a angle or accelerating, then the question could be a law defect and it's recommended that a dealer check out the electronics. There is nothing in the windshield to cause the display to fade or appear less intense.

What is a diversity antenna? A diversity antenna combines the reception from several personel antennas on the vehicle that makes it a very effective antenna system. The definition of diverse means different, therefore a diversity antenna in a backlite is one that could Work with the mast (pillar) antenna mounted to the car. The two dissimilar antennas work together to perform superior Am/Fm radio reception. The 1998 Cadillac Seville has a diversity antenna law that consists of an antenna in the windshield and antenna in the backlite that work together.

What is a non-diversity antenna? A non-diversity antenna law relies on only one antenna for radio wave reception. several examples of non-diversity antenna include 1) a mast antenna mounted to the vehicle 2) an antenna printed on the backlite or 3) a set of wires mounted into the windshield. A non-diversity antenna will not be a combination.

Can a break in a Hud (Heads-Up-Display) windshield be repaired or must it be replaced? A break in the Hud windshield can be repaired like a general non-Hud windshield. If the repair area is in the Hud image area, a repair may interfere with the image causing a double or distorted image. Therefore, consideration is required to determine if the type and size of break is repairable without Hud interference.

Passivated glass refers to chemically coated glass. Many automotive glass parts are coated to perform whether the solar operate characteristics or the privacy features. The coating can normally be detected by the reflective, mirror-like appearance. Sometimes these coatings will also have a color related with them and can make the glass look blue, pink or amber. The solar coatings are used to filter out the sun's ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths while the privacy coatings filter out visible light wavelengths. The wavelengths that are filtered out by coated glass, include the wavelength spectrums that Cb radios, cellular phones, automatic toll readers and radar detectors operate on. Therefore, the chemically coated glass can interfere with the carrying out of electronic devices that need a glass-mounted antenna.

What type of glass is recommended for a glass-mounted antenna? Glass that is referred to, as Batch glass is compatible with glass mounted antennas. Solar and privacy batch glass is not coated like the passivated glass. Instead, the raw materials that give the glass its solar or privacy characteristics are added at the time the glass is made. The raw materials are melted right in with the sand and other components that glass are constructed from. Once the glass has been made, it would not need any other treatments prior to fabrication into automotive glass parts. Batch glass is uniform throughout the thickness of the glass. Coated parts are outside treated; the outside has dissimilar properties than the core of the glass.

Are there any special hints for re-attaching the rain sensor? Make sure the glass is very clean prior to attaching the sensor. The carrying out of the sensors depends on the optically clear grades of doublefaced tape used for reattaching the units. These tapes also need to be clean and free of bubbles when applied to the glass. Any impurities that may be present will give a false signal to the rain sensor causing it to get underway unnecessarily.

What does the term "Auto-Cancel" refer to in the Nags catalog? The Auto Cancel notation means the electrical input to the heated backlite produce is automatically canceled after a specified time and/or temperature. Most heated backlites made today are for automatic cancellation systems. However, there are a few parts such as the Isuzu Trooper backlites where a dissimilar glass heated produce is required for the automatic vs. The by hand systems. For example, Fb4815 is for an automatic cancellation heated grid law whereas Fb4816 is for a by hand cancellation heated grid system. 8-What is the disagreement between a heavy-duty heated backglass and a standard heated backglass? The heavy-duty back glass is rated for higher amperage. The Heavy-Duty (Hd) designation is predominately used on foreign cars such as Honda and Toyota vehicles. general domestic vehicles were rated for 22 amps whereas heated backlites in Asian vehicles were commonly rated for 11 amps. Amperage relates to speed of performance. The higher the amperage, the faster the backglass will heat and clear the frost from the glass. To accommodate the Us market, many foreign car manufacturers advanced the Hd back glasses to offer compatible defrosting carrying out in the Us. The heavy-duty backglass are an upgrade, but it does not interchange with the standard design.

Glass business Terms - everything You've all the time Wanted to Know About Glass But Were Afraid to Ask

Prom Theme Ideas

There are many prom themes ideas for your committee to choose. Choosing on a theme is one of the more leading decisions your High School planning committee will make. Just keep in mind with prom themes there is room to add or subtract details. If you remember this, then you should as a matter of fact be able to pick out themed ideas that a majority of the Junior Class students can agree on.

Prom Ideas

Michael Buble

Are you trying to go for something out of the ordinary or keep it more relaxed? Your budget, resources, and creativity will build the boundaries for any prom ideas. The funds can give you a sense of the location for the venue since these facilities will vary with price. If you are planning a Michigan prom, I propose choosing a banquet hall on this list that is close in you area to sacrifice driving time (25 minutes or less). Some venues might make decorating more challenging, while others might spark your creative sense. The more resources your decorating committee has, the better. If you can make a majority of the decorations, or rent pieces at a discounted rate, this will save money and you will be able to allocate funds elsewhere. The disadvantage is that commonly hand production decorations takes time and people. commonly this is feasible for high school themes that mean 500 students.

Prom Themes

Now if you are brainstorming themes where the guest list is in excess of 1,000, then you will have to pick a bigger premise as well as one exceptional prom. Below are a merge of quick things to think before we rattle off a list of potential themes ideas.

Are seeing for something romantic? Are you trying to match it with current trends? Do you want something mysterious? How much fun can you merge into your theme?

Prom Theme Songs for Prom

There are many favorite prom theme songs for you pick from. I listed them below. These are just some of the theme songs for prom that your committee can use. Feel free to improvise if your theme varies with a more current song of choice. We also provided a list of other high school dance themes.

A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton)
Always and Forever (Shania Twain)
All for You (Sister Hazel) phenomenal (Janelle)
Angel (Aerosmith)
Banana Pancakes (Jack Johnson)
Before It's Too Late (Goo Goo Dolls)
Better Together (Jack Johnson)
Bubbly Toes (Jack Johnson)
Candle In The Wind (Elton John)
Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol)
Dance if You Want To (Men With Hats)
Drive (Incubus)
Dreamer (Ozzy Osbourne)
Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
Ever the Same (Rob Thomas)
Every Breath You Take (Sting)
Everything (Michael Buble)
Everything's Right (Matt Wertz)
Forever Young (Rod Stewart)
Good Vibrations (The Beach Boys)
Got To Be There (Jackson 5)
Head Over Heels (Tears for Fears)
Here without You (3 Doors Down)
Here's to The Night (Eve 6)
Hold Me Now (The Thompson Twins)
Hopelessly Devoted (Greese Soundtrack)
How Do I Live Without You (Leann Rimes)
I'll be (Edwin McCain)
It's Your Love (Tim Mcgraw)
I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (Aerosmith)
I Need You (Leann Rimes)
I Will Remember You (Sarah McLaughlin)
In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins)
It's A phenomenal World (Louis Armstrong)
Last Kiss (Pearl Jam)
Light My Fire (The Doors)
Love Shack (The B52's)
Maybe I'm Amazed (Jem)
Moments like These (Kelly Clarkson)
My Wish (Rascal Flatts)
Never Let You Go (Third Eye Blind)
Oh What A Night (Billy Joel)
One Night Only (Dream Girls Soundtrack)
Only For One Night (luthervandross)
Only Time (Enya)
Power of Love (Huey Lewis and the News)
Remember Me This Way (Jordan Hill)
Save the Last Dance (Michael Buble)
Smells like Teen Spirit (Nirvana)
Stay with Me (Josh Gracin)
Still the One (Shania Twain)
Sweet Dreams (The Eurythmics)
Sweet Emotion (Aerosmith)
The Way You Look Tonight (Frank Sinatra)
These are the Moments (Edwin McCain)
Tiny Dancer (Elton John)
Truly Madly Deeply (Savage Garden)
You and Me (Lifehouse)
Undeniable (Mat Kearney)
Until the End of Time (Justin Timberlake)
Walk This Way (Aerosmith)
Wonderwall (Oasis)
Your Love (The Outfield)
Your Wildest Dreams (Moody Blues)

Top 10 Prom Themes

Below is a list of the top 10 prom themes we have seen done, or know that work for high school dances. Basically any theme can be made a top 10 as long as it is well belief out and planned in advance.

1.) Tomorrow Never Dies Prom Theme (James Bond)

2.) Hollywood Prom Theme

3.) Masquerade Prom Theme

4.) Irish Prom Themes

5.) Water Prom Themes

6.) Arabian Nights Theme for Proms

7.) Egyptian Prom Theme

8.) Black Tie Prom Theme

9.) Carnival Prom Theme

10.) Paris Prom Theme

High School Prom Colors

There are many colors for you to pick from. You can whether have them slightly offset, match your school colors, or have them be fully different. I propose having your high school prom colors match the theme. This will give you dance more balance and keep things consistent with what students will be expecting. A merge of events based just on colors:

All White Party Theme

Black and White Ball Theme

How to pick a Theme

Which one should you go with? Do you need more help with how to pick a prom theme? Well, it is leading that you avoid doing the same theme two years in a row. Also you should check with local high schools to make sure that you do not accidentally duplicate their ideas (this might originate bitter feelings). Make sure your theme is achievable with the banquet premise you have chosen, and that resources for decorating can be found easily. Also order a collection of prom catalogs to give you an idea of what you have to work with. Lastly hyping your high school prom is highly leading (this will help heighten label sales). Make sure to play the song, and remind students of the theme with any school announcements/pep-rallies. Working with you funds is leading for planning a high school prom dance, but you also have to give the students what they want. What is that.... A great send off for the seniors and something that makes your freshmen and sophomores prospect next years' prom!

Prom Theme Ideas

Hip-Hop - Violent and Degrading Lyrics

Hip-Hop music includes violent and abusive lyrics that could maybe mirror other illegal activities used for sexual intent. The music identified as hip-hop verbally violates basic human rights, particularly the possession of women. Excessive and blatant sexual abuse connotations can be found in practically every musical score, as women are portrayed as whores and assets worth no more than existing for man's sexual pleasures. Much of the lyrics in rap songs are abusive and degrading to all women.

Hip-Hop is a manifestation and spin on exploitation of African-American and Latino-American youth, and is often carefully to have sexism and misogyny attributes. New York City blacks and Latino youths originally started the hip-hop culture, with included rapping, deejaying, break-dancing and graffiti-writing. But, it has evolved into something much more than just local expressions.

Home Lyrics

Hip-Hop is a lifestyle for many population in the middle of the ages of 13 and 30. It involves music, videos, fashion, club-scenes, and the ways that young population interact with each other. The media has embraced and adopted the hip-hop culture, as well as big corporations, such as Coca-Cola and Burger King. Versions of hip-hop can be found in marketing media and corporate advertisements. The Brooklyn Museum of Art even has an exhibit dedicated to hip-hop culture.

The most influential part of hip-hop has come to be known as rap music. Rap music is a form of poetry, recited over musical instrumentation. Many consider rap music to be brutally honest, violent, and misogynistic. But to others, the violence to and hatred of women appears blatant and offensive.

Much of rap music portrays black women in negative images. The hip-hop culture views all women, but mostly black women, as sex objects. Most hip-hop videos show women dancing or displayed in explicit sexual poses, clothed in bikinis (or less), with the focus on their body parts. The images go hand in hand with the explicit language that suggest women are nothing more than sex objects or money-generating commodities. Many rappers reveal themselves as 'pimps' and women as second-class and sexual commodities. Many rap songs, not only, glorify the pimp lifestyle, and refer to women in ways a pimp might reveal their prostitutes, but the lyrics promote violence to women that "disobey."

Of course, not all rap music is misogynistic, and not all black men think of women in this light, but large percentages within the hip-hop culture do. The name calling in the rap music dishonors, disrespects, and dehumanizes women. When society accepts labeling women in this manner, will bodily and psychological abuse come to be acceptable? Unfortunately, many black men battle racism or oppression within hip-hop culture, and have been conditioned to distrust intrusive feelings of trust and love.

Many women consent to these collaborations, and believe racism or subjugation are viable excuses or justification for the convention of degrading and exploitation of women. The numbers of women that show up for unpaid try-outs for video shoots indicate that indispensable amounts of hip-hop consumers are women. Groups of women can be seen loitering in concert backstage areas, expressing their willingness to achieve sexually in return for money and jewelry, or maybe perceive a feeling of being wanted.

Black women have, historically, been used as sex instruments, and continue to fight for power and material wealth. When slavery was legal and rampant, black women were routinely sexually abused by any man that wanted her. They could be used for breeding purposes and create more slave trade for their owners. Black women, also, used sex in order to lower chances of cruel medicine by the slave masters. They were paying with their bodies to survive and achieve good medicine within the uncontrolled, abusive slave life.

Black women emerged out of slavery as oversexed and promiscuous. Some viewed themselves as society dictated, and believed they did not have control over their bodies. As they tried to fit into white societies, some black men wanted the women to be employed in subordinate roles in a white household; while some black women wanted the men to obtain jobs and be the sole provider. Hip-hop culture displays similar laberious obsessions. Some black women prefer to use sexual powers to reap thrifty gain. And, many black men have learned how to manipulate women by using money. In order for many black women to get what they want, they accept mistreatment and allow themselves to be exploited straight through hip-hop images.

Sometimes black women are uneducated and have no job skills. Many believe their bodies are all they have to offer to gain status. Many dysfunctional relationships can be found within the hip-hop culture. Some women believe men are instruments of use to gain way to money; some men think women are only have value when it comes to sexual gratification.

Would censoring hip-hop music and lyrics be an answer? Perhaps, the explication would be to change the hip-hop society and ideology by finish negative and misogynistic lyric promotion. But, the first step to change gender relations within the hip-hop society is education. population need to be made aware of the negative and derogatory connotations that continue to violate women's rights, in sexist lyrics, bodily interactions, and at hip-hop gatherings. But, of course, population need to be receptive to the devastating results that violating human possession cause, and be willing to change.

Are human flesh traders alive and well in the United States? Of course, we all know trafficking women is illegal, but inspecting the more than 45,000,000 dating websites on the Internet, is this a modern legal tool that continues the exploitation of women?

Speaking out against exploitation of women in hip-hop cultures, and for women everywhere, can help change ideologies. But, if women are not curious or willing to stop exploitation tactics, they will continue to be used and carefully as just sexual instruments.

Although women have come very far, their work is not finished, and they have a long way to go before equality will be realized.

Hip-Hop - Violent and Degrading Lyrics

seeing For Music Without Lyrics? Here's A Short Guide To dissimilar Kinds Of Music Without Lyrics

Who's searching for music without lyrics, and why?

Some people are finding for backing music they can sing to, commonly of songs that they're familiar with. There are three kinds of music without lyrics that spring to mind, catering for this need.

Home Lyrics

1.) Karaoke - This commonly comes on a Cd or Dvd, where the backing music is played while the lyrics, along with a video of some arbitrary scenery, are displayed.

The lyrics are commonly highlighted at the appropriate time for them to be sung. While this form of music without lyrics is great for parties and pubs, it leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to serious vocal performances.

Technically speaking, this is absolutely music with lyrics, but the music and the lyrics have been separated so that you can sing them.

2.) Backing tracks - These are sometimes called "Backtracks". Pro backing tracks are a step up from karaoke tracks, however, they don't display the lyrics on a screen.

Professional backing tracks should comprise as much live instrumentation as possible, or otherwise feature sound samples that are a very convincing substitute. You'll find that a lot of potential backing tracks will only be ready on audio Cd or in mp3 format. The reason for this is that a lot of costly audio samples and live recordings are used in this type of music without lyrics, production each backing track a unique output that can only be correctly reproduced whether on the studio engineers own equipment, or as a final audio mix-down.

3.) Midi - Midi is short for "Musical instrument digital interface". I'm sure you are familiar with the term "Midi file". This is a music file that contains the note data as if it was played on a keyboard (Not the computer keyboard).

All of the instrumentation for a song can be reproduced via a computers sound card or other external keyboard sound modules.

Although midi is used extensively in recording studios, getting a midi file to sing along to is probably the poorest choice when finding for music without lyrics to compliment your vocal talent.

The audio samples used in normal midi reproduction lack the tonal nuances that make up a convincing instrumental performance.

A brief overview of these three kinds of music without lyrics and their best uses

1.) Karaoke - Great for pubs and home entertainment.

2.) Backing tracks - For serious vocal performers.

3.) Midi - Great for one or two man bands who can supplement the fake sounding instruments with real live ones.

Other forms of music without lyrics.

I mention these only for the sake of completeness, but finding as they are so obvious, I'll make this short.

Classical music, Instrumental music (some people confuse this for backing tracks), Trance music and music for healing, which should also be music without lyrics and drums.

I hope this gives you a clearer photograph of what to look for in music without lyrics.

seeing For Music Without Lyrics? Here's A Short Guide To dissimilar Kinds Of Music Without Lyrics

How to Write Rap Song Lyrics in 5 Steps

With the strong emergence of hip-hop in today's music scene, a lot of habitancy are interested in studying to rap and want to know how to write rap song lyrics. While there is no "exact" way, these 5 quick tips will definitely help you to write a best rap song.

1. Find a Beat to Inspire You. Ever wonder how the pros starting writing a rap song? 9 times out of 10 they begin by finding for beats to inspire them. They are finding for something that touches them in way that inspires and motivates them to write lyrics to. Everybody has a distinct taste in music, so find a beat that You like and can write simply to. Find something that at once grabs you and relates to you. You can find beats of course on the internet. Just hunt Google and Soundclick and you will be sure to find a beat to write rap song lyrics to.

Home Lyrics

2. Select a Main Topic. Once you find a beat that you want to use, begin mental of a topic that goes nicely with the beat you chose. Remember to Select a topic that relates with both You and the beat. If you chose a sad, emotional-sounding beat, then pick a topic that is sad and emotional and that you recite with. If you pick a club style beat then Select a topic that is relevant to the club scene. Listen to your beat, ask yourself what kind of impact you would like your rap song lyrics to have on people, and decide on your main topic. Remember that how you write rap song lyrics will greatly depend on your topic.

3. Write Your Hook. A lot of rappers and producers alike find it best practice to begin a rap song by first writing the hook. Now that you have your beat and main topic selected, you have a great foundation to begin writing your hook lyrics to.

To construe how to write rap hooks, I've broken hook-writing down into a few steps that I have found to be very effective.

a.) consider these things: Do you want the hook to be catchy? Do you want it to be deep and emotional? Do you want to sing it or rap it out?

b.) Listen to the hook part of your beat. Vibe with the beat and start freestyling some ideas. Even if your words aren't development sense, freestyle to the beat to originate some distinct flows. Experiment and form out what you like.

c.) Now that you have some ideas flowing, begin writing lyrics down. Make a list of words that you might want to incorporate into the hook.

d.) Look at your word list as you listen to the beat and begin freestyling some new ideas with these words.

e.) Once you come up with some strong ideas, it may be a good idea to swiftly record them to see which one sounds the best. Once you've decided, we can move on with the verses!

4. Begin Writing the Verses. Now that the hook is finished, you have all laid out for the verses. So how do you write rap song verses?

a.) Start each verse off strong in order to originate a association with the listener right away. A good way to do this is to begin with a controversial, funny, bold, or catchy opening line.

b.) Now that you've got the listeners attention, discontinue out your verses with article that is relevant to your topic. Rhyme more than just the last word in each sentence when you can. Try to use distinct flow structures throughout instead of just sticking to one the whole time.

c.) If you are having issue or writer's block, write out a list of rhyming words that recite to your topic (use a dictionary and thesaurus if necessary) and refer to this list to spark ideas.

d.) Just as you started off strong, end the verse lyrics strong too! Make sure you transition into the hook smoothly and discontinue with a bang!

5. Practice! maybe the most underrated part of rapping...practice! It's one thing to know how to write rap song lyrics, but putting it into activity is something else. Once you have your song written, practice it over and over until you know it by heart and can recite it perfectly with no flaws. Trust me this is important!

I hope you now know how to write rap song lyrics more efficiently and effectively. Apply what you've learned to your next rap song and I am sure you will notice a difference!

How to Write Rap Song Lyrics in 5 Steps

Bluegrass Gospel Song Lyrics

Are you a big fan of bluegrass gospel? You enjoy listening to the music, but you may want to heighten your comprehension of the songs by reading the bluegrass gospel song lyrics. You may wonder where you can find these lyrics. You will be pleased to know that there are many sources where you can find these as well as lyrics of many other song genres as well.

In the Cd Case

Home Lyrics

One of the most uncomplicated places to find bluegrass gospel song lyrics is in the Cd case. Cds regularly come with the lyrics printed out. You can scan the contents of your bluegrass gospel Cd case to see if your Cds included the lyrics. If you have lost the Cd case, you may try and see if a friend has the same Cd. You can also try and buy the Cd for cheap at a used music store if you want to try and get a hold of the Cd case insert.

Buy the Sheet Music

Another selection for finding song lyrics is to buy the sheet music. Sheet music is less beloved today than it used to be; however, you can still find sheet music. The best place to look is your local music store. If you know a niche music store that specializes in bluegrass gospel, then that would be a great place to see if they have any sheet music of your beloved bluegrass gospel.


The Internet may be the greatest place to find bluegrass gospel song lyrics. On the Internet you can find music from all genres. It may be difficult to find bluegrass gospel song lyrics in retail stores since this genre is not mainstream. But on the Internet you can find site dedicated to bluegrass gospel songs that comprise lyrics to many of these songs.

Do a uncomplicated search and see what you find, you will be amazed by the results. You can find lyrics to nearly any song online. You can also find fan sites dedicated to bluegrass gospel music. Not only can you find lyrics at these sites, but you will also find other fans who can share their insights into the music.

If you are finding to buy sheet music of your beloved song, you can also find this online. This genre of sheet music may be difficult to find in retail stores, but you can find it online.

Enjoy the Music

So with the above ways to find song lyrics, you can go out and get the lyrics to your beloved bluegrass gospel songs. You can have the opportunity to in fact learn what the lyrics mean. You can even use them to help you learn the songs so that you can sing them yourself.

Bluegrass Gospel Song Lyrics